Avoca FC
Safety Management Plan 2020 General Requirements
B)- If they cannot be moved then an Ambulance is to be called. The Ambulance can access the field at Erina via the bottom gate, off the Central Coast Highway. If the injury or incident occurs to a player during the course of a match the referee will cease the match until such times as the player can be safely removed by trained medical personnel. Members of Avoca FC are NOT to lift and move an injured player who cannot move themselves. This can put those assisting in danger of injury themselves.
COVID- 19 REQUIREMENTS Games and Training will only be undertaken this season on the understanding that ANYONE involved in training and Gamedays are not unwell in ANY way. This includes players and spectators. If anyone is unwell they CANNOT attend either training or Games to play or to watch. The same rules apply to anyone who has recently travelled overseas, or who has come into contact with anyone known to have Covid-19. For the purposes of this document when the term “Observe SD” is mentioned it means that we require people to obey the current Social Distancing requirements that have been stipulated under the NSW Government Public Health Order. This states that people must stay at 2 Metres from each other and observe proper hygiene. If people are observed unwell, or unable to follow the SD requirements outlined they will be asked to remove themselves from all of our venues. In the event that they refuse the games can be cancelled and the ground closed. Attendance at Football activities
Canteen facilities
Hygiene and Behaviour
Team Expectations