CCF Rule and Regulations
Click the file link to see the full CCF Rules and Regulations
My Obligations as a Player (or Parent of a Player) of the Avoca Football Club Inc and Acknowledgement of Avoca Football Club Inc. Rules & Procedures.
Avoca FC is a community based, amateur football club that relies upon volunteers (parents & players) for our existence. This means that sometimes things might not run as smoothly as they possibly should. We are not motivated to make a profit but to cover all expenses incurred and achieve a small surplus at the end of each season to invest back into the future of our club. Our goal is to provide the best possible environment for boys and girls, men and women, at all levels, to enjoy their football. We take our football seriously - but not that seriously.
By registering with Avoca FC I acknowledge and agree to the following:
Avoca FC is a community based, amateur football club that relies upon volunteers (parents & players) for our existence. This means that sometimes things might not run as smoothly as they possibly should. We are not motivated to make a profit but to cover all expenses incurred and achieve a small surplus at the end of each season to invest back into the future of our club. Our goal is to provide the best possible environment for boys and girls, men and women, at all levels, to enjoy their football. We take our football seriously - but not that seriously.
By registering with Avoca FC I acknowledge and agree to the following:
- The club will make all reasonable efforts to place me into a team however I understand that this may not be possible due to too many or too few players registering in my age group. I will receive a full refund and/or assistance to play with another club if membership with Avoca FC is not possible.
- From Under 5's to Under 8's, all reasonable efforts will be made to place players in teams with friends or school mates. Despite this, I understand that this may not be possible sometimes.
- Avoca FC is obliged to grade all players according to ability, growth and maturity compared to other players at the club in that age group from Under 9's and above. This may mean I cannot be placed in the team of my preference. Whilst I have the right to inquire as to the reasons for the decisions of the Avoca FC Grading Committee, this is to be done in a calm and non confrontational manner. I understand that any subsequent decision of the Committee is final.
- Female players turning 10 years of age and above this year will normally be graded in teams that play in the CCF women's competition on Sundays in W12, W13, W14, W15, W16, W18 or Women's All Age grades. Female players will only be graded in the Mixed Saturday competition at the invitation of the Avoca FC Committee of Management based on either the need to balance team numbers or their assessed ability to compete in that competition.
- I will be required to pay registration fees for the grade I am to be registered in (e.g. 17 year old required to be registered in All Age will pay All Age fees.)
- Access to grounds is determined by Gosford City Council and the club has no ability to change this. I will not train or play on grounds unless advised by the club that approval has been granted.
- I understand that I am committing to play for the entire season which runs from March to September. There are often games during the school holidays and sometimes on public holidays
- Players in all competition teams (U/11 & above) are obliged to pay referee fees when official referee and assistants are appointed to a match. Every effort will be made to provide cadet referees for all non competition games played at Erina High School at a minimal cost to the home team.
- I understand that football is a team sport and other people are relying upon my attendance and involvement. If I am unable to attend any games or training sessions organised by the club or my coach I will contact the coach or manager of my team at the earliest possible time and advise them.
- I understand that a couple of times during the season I will be required to assist the club by putting the nets up, manning the BBQ and conducting ground control duties. When advised by my team manager I will assist in whatever way I can to ensure my team/kids have an enjoyable season.
- I will make all efforts to regularly check the club website at and the CCF website to check fixtures, ground closures and other information provided by the club for the benefit of members. If anything raises a query or concern to me I will raise it initially with my team manager before contacting a Committee Member of Avoca FC.
- If I have to leave the club for personal reasons after registering with Avoca FC, I will be entitled to a refund of my fees. If this occurs after June, we are unable to refund the CCF component of the fees. The club may impose a $20 administration fee. If I leave prior to 31st May, my refund amount will be based on how many games I have played.
- If I choose to play for another club after registering for Avoca FC, I will have to apply for a release to the Committee of Management in writing and will not be entitled to any refund of the club portion of my fees.
- All team members will receive equal playing opportunities as part the club commitment to fair play. For age groups (excluding Men's Premier League) there is an unlimited player interchange rule and this mechanism should be used to promote and achieve equal playing time. In competition football there will be times when coaching decisions will favour some players over others on certain weeks however equal time should still be the objective over the course of the season. There will also be occasions when the performance of players on the field or at training may warrant appropriate management action by the coach in the broader team interest. In such circumstances, players, and if appropriate parents, will be consulted if such action results in a reduction of playing opportunities. Should any parent or player be aggrieved by this action then the matter should be taken up in writing with the Committee of Management
- I will adhere to the following codes of conduct and those of the CCF Association.
- Play by the rules
- Never argue with an official
- Control your temper - verbal abuse of officials or others is not acceptable
- Work equally hard for yourself and your team - your team will benefit and so will you
- Be a good sport - applaud all good play whether from your team or the opposition
- Treat all players as you would like to be treated
- Co-operate with your coach, manager and team mates
- Play for fun and not just to please others, winning is good but is not everything
- The main role of the coach is to ensure that the above "Player Code of Conduct" objectives are achieved. Win at all costs attitudes will not be tolerated
- Except by the coach, and then only if given quietly in a non-hysterical manner, no coaching will be allowed from the sideline.
- Support and encourage players but do not set them goals that are too high or put them under undue pressure to perform
- Must not abuse or criticise players, referees or officials
- In respect to Under 5, 6, and 7 coaching will be permitted on the field however coaches are not permitted on the field after the last Saturday in May in respect to Grades 6 and 7, except to attend to injured players
- When coaches or managers enter the field of play to attend injured players, in any grade from U/5 to seniors, they are not to coach or to interfere with play in any way
- Coaches should be prepared to assist opposition players as well as their own. This is particularly to be obeyed in non-comp and junior games
parents / spectators code of behaviour
- Children are involved in an organised sport for their enjoyment not yours
- Encourage children to participate if they are interested - if they are not willing do not force them
- Focus upon the child's effort and performance rather than the overall result of the game. This reduces the emphasis on winning. Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake or losing a game
- REMEMBER, positive comments are motivational, negative comments are destructive
- Encourage children to participate according to the rules
- Children learn best by example, applaud good play by all teams
- Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from football
- Respect all officials decisions and encourage players to do likewise
- Appreciate our volunteer coaches and officials, without them there would be no game
- Do not use derogatory language based on gender